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:: Project Process
1. | Conduct Needs Analysis
ITM conducts interviews, provide questionnaires, analyzes current training available, gathers resources, and begins the Concept Plan, which determines:
Training goal(s)
• Audience
• Main training objectives
Distribution/marketing plans
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2. | Conduct Preliminary Content Analysis
ITM gathers and researches content materials, consults with Subject Matter Experts, identifies program scope and potential assets for the program, creates a Content Outline and Instructional Design Plan that determines the training medium (or media) that best fits the training need.
3. | Develop Content
ITM researches and writes program content to provide training materials, multimedia seminars, case studies, interactive activities, reference materials, website support, database support, training manuals, marketing materials, packaging materials, and assessment instruments. This content forms the Production Document which is used by the production team to produce the program.
4. | Produce Program
ITM creates graphics, animations, casts talent for audio/video sequences, records and edits audio and video, designs program interface, develops navigational features, creates interactive activities, converts resource materials to function in program, designs marketing plan, designs packaging materials, develops website and database support, programs interactive elements, provides initial testing and editing, and delivers the Content Draft (or "beta") to client.
5. | Edit, Replicate, & Implement
performs final tests and edits to the program materials, replicates the program, and begins the implementation process. ITM provides staff training, train-the-trainer meetings, arranges and facilitates workshops, and provides continuing education opportunities as well as assessments and reports of program effectiveness.