The Wildland Fire Series is a comprehensive program for community leaders, homeowners, teachers, school children, foresters, and wildland firefighters. Participants learn the impact of fire on the forest ecology, how forest fires affect the wildland/urban interface, how to design, build, and maintain Firewise homes and communities, and how to protect homes, businesses, and natural resources from wildfire devastation.
Products Include:
Living on the Edge, Firewise Home, Wildfire Prevention, Forest Fever, Living on the Edge College Lab Manual, and Fire in the Field
Wildfire Prevention
Formats: Online program, educator workshops and interactive CD-ROM for the classroom
Purpose: To provide an interactive tool for educating our future leaders (upper elementary and middle school students) about their role in wildfire prevention.
Forest Fever
Format: Interactive CD-ROM for the classroom
Purpose: To teach grades 8-12 specific forest management tools and general guidelines for their use, and about challenging, exciting careers in forestry.